

Vijay, a software engineer at Magnetic, has been programming and working in the software community since he was 12 years old.

Fast forward years later and Vijay has built everything from 4 foot planes, digital mobile applications, guitar amps, and even worked on parking lot hardware and some of the first facial recognition applications. Vijay’s interest in technology and engineering goes way beyond the office – he has purchased a PDP-11, one of the very first computers and is currently working on running a web server off of it from his home.

To learn more about Vijay and his engineering adventures, check out his blog posts below and follow him on Twitter


8 Watts is Loud Enough

8 Watts is Loud Enough

Wattage The first thing we need to do is to have some basic technical knowledge drummed into our heads. We are going to use two different units in this discussion. Wattage…

The Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi

The “Raspberry Pi” is a $35 computer that has been developed over the last few years to be sold into education, and the developing world. The Raspberry Pi is by…

Fender Telecaster & Software Design

Fender Telecaster & Software Design

Late last night I pulled out my Tele from its case and started to practicse some scales. It occurred to me that the guitar I was holding has not changed…

π Day

π Day

What is π? By definition, π is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. π is always the same number, no matter which circle you use…

Install Octopress on Lion

Install Octopress on Lion

After upgrading to Lion (MacOS X 10.7.3) I encountered a few problems getting Octopress running. The problems I had encountered are due to Lion switching to LLVM-GCC from the default…