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Sponsored search ads are the highest converting ads on the internet. Yet, only 4% of user's time is spent on search engines. Magnetic takes search data, as an indicator for user intent, & applies it to the remaining 96% of ad inventory where users spend there time.

Magnetic Search Retargeting

Magnetic Frame: Full-service for Advertisers

Magnetic Frame is a full-service search retargeting platform that allows advertisers to show display ads to consumers based on their search history, delivering your ads after a user searches for ...


Magnetic Focus: Self-service for Advertisers

Magnetic Focus is a self-service search retargeting platform that allows advertisers to show display ads to consumers based on their search history. Magnetic Focus challenges the boundaries of search, enabling agencies ...

Magnetic Field: For Data Buyers

Magnetic Field enables ad networks, publishers, ad exchange buyers and demand side platforms to better monetize ad inventory by matching the intent of your ...


Magnetic Force: Site Retargeting

Magnetic Force is site retargeting. Force allows marketers to follow-up with customers that have previously visited their site by retargeting them with a display ad (text or image-based ads) on ...

Search Retargeting for Data Providers

Right now, data providers make money when a user visits its site. Through Magnetic search retargeting, search engines, e-commerce sites, park domains and DNS error traffic can monetize data after ...